Deducting 76 days from 287 days we get 211 days left. As human being, we have other essential works like eating, drinking, playing and bathroom course. We spent 4-5 hours daily which is about 1925 hours yearly, which is 77 days approximately. Now, we have 134 days in hand. Men are not machines. They get tired of working, so, they need rest. We spent 6-7 hours in daily sleeping, which is about 2,555 hours in a year, which is equivalent to 107 days. Now, we have 27 days in hand. We get holidays for Krishna Asthami, Ram Navami, Holi, Shivaratri and different national holidays etc. 24 days are spent celebrating these festivals in a year.
Now, we have 3 days left which are the result distribution days for 3 terminal exams. Now, we can make out how many days are left to study?
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